Sunday, March 20, 2011

the black sheep can wear the golden fleece

my day started off on a terrifying note. while alex and i were getting ready to go out, he found a giant scary spider in his jeans. IN. HIS. JEANS. i don’t know what it is about west seattle, but we have so many spiders in this house. i like to kill them because i hate spiders. i’m pretty sure this makes me a bad person. alex likes to put them under a cup and set them free in our backyard. in my opinion, this just invites them to come back, but he thinks that they will respect our personal boundaries.

then we headed out, without a specific place in mind. we just…drove. seattle’s nice to do that in, because there’s a good chance that no matter where you are, there are some trees or mountains or water [or all three!] to look at. we ended up in seward park, which is lovely. i had been a bit inspired by a post on the sartorialist:

 i had been looking for a skirt like this for a while, but all the ones that i found were so expensive. then finally this weekend when i went thrifting, i found this skirt! it was the most expensive piece of clothing i have ever bought at a thrift store [$13], but it is worth it. it’s liz claiborne and it’s in perfect condition. i’m also really excited because my hair is growing out a bit, so i can pin it back. i always said that people with long hair who just wear it up every day are unimaginative, but now i think that pinning my hair back is my favorite way to wear it. 

top: forever21, circa 2007
tights: forever21, $6.80
skirt: liz claiborne thrifted via goodwill, $13
shoes: deena & ozzy via urban outfitters, $10 on sale 

i have a food problem. and when i say ‘problem,’ i mean ‘urgent cravings.’ all the time. if i see a photo of a doughnut on someone’s blog, or see someone eating something delicious on tv, i need to have it. i don’t know anyone else with uncontrollable food urges like mine. except pregnant women. i am not pregnant. i just really love food.
i saw a photo of a doughnut and some coffee, and it got my brain really stuck on the idea of eating a doughnut today. so while we were out we went to top pot! delicious doughnuts. and apparently barack obama went there on his most recent trip to seattle and enjoyed a glazed old fashioned

 we got 2 jam doughnuts [raspberry & lemon, top], one bavarian cream, one shamrock chocolate glazed cake doughnut, and a chocolate glazed bar. 

when we got home, the nextdoor neighbors’ dog was outside, so i invited them over to play. their dog, joey [left] looks a bit like ira, and it is incredibly adorable to watch them play. 

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